Month: March 2009

David Brown Team Visits Dynamatic Hydraulics™

A high-level team from David Brown comprising of Austen Adams, Chief Executive, Joe Kostelic, Director Supply Chain Strategy, David Lyes Business Development Manager, Nik Alpert, Sales & Marketing Manager – Asia Pacific and Mr. B. S Ananth – Country Manager visited Dynamatic Technologies to explore possibilities of cooperative functioning.

Honeywell Operating System Launched in JKM Automotive™

The famed Honeywell Operating System (HOS), which draws from various world famous operating systems including the Toyota Production System, was launched at JKM Automotive™ on 27th March 2009. The HOS will introduce world-class best practices into the Dynamatic Technologies Group. JKM Automotive™ is the only Honeywell Supplier in India, and, the third worldwide, to launch …

Honeywell Operating System Launched in JKM Automotive™ Read More »

Airbus Leadership Team Visits Dynamatic Aerospace

On 26th March, 2009, Dynamatic Aerospace® played host to a senior management team from Airbus, at its facilities in Dynamatic Park, Bangalore. The visitors included Mr. Christian Scherer, Executive Vice President, Head of Airbus Strategy and Future Programmes; Mr Volker Thum, Senior Vice President, Head of Airbus Aerostructure Procurement, Mr. Eric Zanin, Senior Vice President, …

Airbus Leadership Team Visits Dynamatic Aerospace Read More »

Team Textron at Dynamatic Park

A senior team from Textron comprising of Mr. Sisi Adu-Gyanfi, Mr. Mohanty, Air Cmde. (Retd) Bannerjee and Mr. Sukesh had visited Dynamatic Park on 16th March 2009, to further explore business opportunities with our Aerospace division

Ms. Shanti Ekambaram Steps Down From Dynamatic Technologies Board

Ms. Shanti Ekambaram, Group Head – Wholesale Banking, Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., has stepped down as a Director of Dynamatic Technologies, due to the compliance constraints arising from Kotak Bank’s latest Compliance Policy which restricts their senior executives from taking directorships in other companies. She joined the Dynamatic Technologies Board of Directors in October 2006, …

Ms. Shanti Ekambaram Steps Down From Dynamatic Technologies Board Read More »