Ms. Shanti Ekambaram Steps Down From Dynamatic Technologies Board

Ms. Shanti Ekambaram, Group Head – Wholesale Banking, Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., has stepped down as a Director of Dynamatic Technologies, due to the compliance constraints arising from Kotak Bank’s latest Compliance Policy which restricts their senior executives from taking directorships in other companies.

She joined the Dynamatic Technologies Board of Directors in October 2006, and, was an important member of the Board’s Audit Committee. Shanti has been at the center of growth of India’s private sector banking industry in the last 5 years. Prior, to that, she has led many path-breaking deals in the investment banking industry. Shanti’s rich and varied experience has benefited Dynamatic Technologies in its growth phase of the past few years.

Dynamatic Technologies will miss her valuable contributions to the Board, and, wishes her the very best in her endeavors.

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