Dynamatic Hydraulics™ Conducts Annual Business Plan

The Annual Business Plan Meeting of the Hydraulics division of Dynamatic Technologies was held on 13th March 2010 in Bangalore. The meeting commenced with the C.E.O’s address where Udayant Malhoutra, who completes 25 years with Dynamatic Technologies this year, recalled the highlights of his entrepreneurial journey to outline the changes the organization has undergone to reach its present day stature. “We are at the threshold of great change.” He said “Dynamatic Technologies is poised for a giant growth leap, which will be fuelled by the energy of the youth and our collective experience and wisdom. To make this leap successfully, we will be required alter our propensity to think conventionally as well as the traditional beliefs about gender roles and hierarchy.” The management team of the Hydraulics division discussed the opportunities offered by the market and explored new ways of overcoming constraints to capitalize on these business opportunities. In an interesting twist, the young managers in Dynamatic Technologies who had participated in independent brain-storming sessions, presented their suggestions and ideas for improving various aspects of the business including operational efficiency, quality and corporate image.

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