DTL proudly walked away with a National Award for Excellence in Indigenisation of Defence Equipment, instituted by the Ministry of Defence (Department of Defence Production & Supplies) at the Awards function held in Delhi, on January 25, 2000. We have successfully indigenised the hydraulic pumps for lubrication and transmission used in the T-72 Tank. We made a major effort by studying and translating the Russian specifications and further modifying the design to meet the requirements of the next higher assemblies.

Needless to say, the indigenisation of these items has saved valuable foreign exchange in addition to the fact that India need not rely so heavily on supplies of spares from foreign countries. And so our Aerospace Division is all set to take on even larger projects. We’ve been producing the wings and the rear fuselage for the Lakshya. With the Indian Airforce indenting for another 100 Lakshyas from HAL, our Aerospace Division will surely be hard pressed for time. We’ve been developing and producing Power Packs for HAL and machining aerospace components for Aircraft and Aerospace Divisions. We’ve also developed Power Packs for Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE). We hope to also provide some of the systems for the Main Battle Tank Arjun (developed by CVRDE), in the near future. We’ve also developed the Distributor Mechanism for T-72 Tanks and pilot samples have been sent to the Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) at Avadi. The clearance for bulk production is due shortly. We’ve also started getting orders from other ordinance factories. For the one at Medak, we’ll be producing the oil lubrication pump for Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs).