On 21st April 2010, Dynamatic Technologies hosted a delegation of business management students from the University of Victoria (UVic), one of Canada’s most prestigious universities.
The delegation comprising of seventeen MBA students and their professors, Dr. Saul Klein, Lansdowne Professor of International Business & Director of Executive Programs, Faculty of Business, University of Victoria, and Professor A R Elangovan, Associate Dean & Director International Programs, Faculty of Business, University of Victoria, were in India for an industry sponsored International Integrative Management Exercise, which required the students to understand the various aspects of the Indian aerospace industry and assess the market potential for the program sponsor’s military cargo aircraft in India.
The student delegation spent close to 3 hours at Dynamatic park, understanding the Company’s growth story and engaged members of the Dynamatic Technologies leadership team in an interactive session on the potential offered by the Indian Aerospace industry and Dynamatic Technologies’ future plans in this domain.
“Dynamatic Technologies represents the best of India in the Small to Medium sized enterprises category. The Company embodies the entrepreneurial spirit, innovativeness, focus on core competencies, strategic thinking, progressive and enlightened human resource management, and world class professionalism, systems and quality control that underlie true success stories”, said Professor A R Elangovan about the visit.
“Our visit to Dynamatic Technologies was worth its weight in gold. The whole atmosphere was welcoming and oozed modern thinking, optimism and confidence for the future.” He further added, “The students said that they could see the application of what they studied in their Operations Management course during the plant tour – they were excited about it and wanted to tell their OM professor about it. They were also impressed with the expertise rating system that they saw on the shop floor (part of their Human Resource Management course,) and, the emphasis on core competencies reinforce what they had learnt in their Strategy course. This is the kind of learning we were hoping would happen.”